
Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The traditional view of inerrancy, which means the Bible is totally without error, prevents the erosion of the authority and accuracy of Scripture. Leading apologist and bestselling authors William C. Roach and Norman L. Geisler, one of the original drafters of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, present a defense of traditional understanding. Written for a new generation of Christians...

Some authors we are considering, like Bart Ehrman (chap. 5), explicitly deny any kind of biblical inerrancy. Others, like Clark Pinnock (chap. 4) and Andrew McGowan (chap. 9), deny unlimited inerrancy. But some, like Kevin Vanhoozer, claim to affirm inerrancy but adopt philosophical positions that undermine it. This view is more difficult to analyze. Vanhoozer, a professor at Wheaton College, is particularly hard to evaluate because his views are not always
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